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Chapel House

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What we do

If a child or young person is unable to attend school because of a medical or mental health problem, we will, in consultation with parents and other professionals, seek an alternative way of maintaining their education. We may offer individual or small group tuition for pupils who are too ill to access full-time mainstream education or are making the transition from hospital back to school. This alternative provision would normally take place at the Chapel House Site. Only in exceptional circumstances, dictated by the child’s medical condition, will tuition take place through the use of our outreach provision.


Our aim is to reintegrate pupils into full-time education at the earliest opportunity. In the interim, there is a need to ensure access to quality education and we develop opportunities for working in partnership with other agencies, e.g. CAMHS, Inclusion and Attendance, Educational Psychology Service; and systems for maintaining links with the Sheffield Futures Service.

Referral Process

Pupils referred to the Becton Hospital and Outreach Team must be ‘medically unfit’ to attend mainstream school, either as a result of issues relating to illness, or as a result of issues relating to mental health.

If the child is medically unfit, the local authority (LA) has a statutory responsibility to provide education during the period of treatment. The LA, along with Becton School, may determine that this education can be provided by our Chapel House provision.

If this is the case, the LA requires a completed referral from a medical practitioner which:

  • States that the child is medically unfit to attend school
  • Gives an indication of how long the child will be medically unfit to attend school
  • Outlines the treatment plan
  • Gives details of the current support provided by the LA's Inclusion and Attendance Team
  • Gives details of the Extended Support Plan (MyPlan) which is in place for the child.

The medical practitioner referral is the first step in the LA identifying that the statutory requirement to provide education should be planned and implemented.

In order for the decision to be made that Becton Hospital and Outreach Team is statutorily necessary, the Head of Becton School and the referrals team will consider the request from the medical practitioner. The referrals team includes representatives from Becton School, CAMHS, Educational Psychology, Inclusion and Attendance and SEND.

Medical practitioner referrals indicating a child is medically unfit to attend school should be sent to:

James Gibson
Executive Headteacher
Becton School
S20 1NZ 
If you are sending a referral via Egress, please send it to

Information Sharing

As we are commissioned by health, we work closely with health professionals within the NHS in order to be better able to support our pupils. By allowing a referral to Chapel House to be made, parents/carers and pupils agree to have appropriate information shared between health services and Chapel House.

Pre-Referral Consultation

Prior to making a referral, clinicians often find it helpful to call one of the referrals team to talk it through. If you wish to book in a consultation, please contact one of the team using the details below:

Team member Email Telephone contact details
Lucy Cutts 01145513650/07864611414
Gary Smith 01145513650/07432236548
James Gibson 01145513650/07855434020

Referral form

Please find the Chapel House referral form at the bottom of this page.


In all cases, Becton Hospital and Outreach Team intervention is to be seen as temporary, pending reintegration to mainstream education or integration to a Special School following the EHCP process.

The pupil will remain on the roll of the school, and there will be a reintegration plan which should be drawn up jointly by the Becton Hospital & Outreach Team and school in consultation with the family, pupil & other agencies and, where appropriate, will involve the school nurse.  

Where relevant, a reintegration plan should be linked to a child or young person’s EHC plan or individual healthcare plan.

The reintegration plan should include:

  • Previous reintegration strategies
  • Input from parents, professionals and the pupil
  • A programme of small goals leading up to reintegration
  • Clearly stated responsibilities and support of all those involved
  • Identified barriers
  • Details of social contacts, including the involvement of peers and mentors during the transition period

Some children do find it difficult to return to their own school, particularly those children who have had mental health problems. This policy sets out ways in which this can be facilitated:

  • Forward planning and effective and flexible collaboration between Becton Hospital and Outreach Team, the child's school, medical personnel, allied health professionals, parents/carers and other agencies.
  • Liaison whilst the child or young person is in hospital or attending a home teaching centre
  • Keeping in touch with the young person while they are out of school, e.g. e-mails, text messages, phone calls from classmates and staff to keep pupils up-to-date with the day-to-day happenings at their school. Letting them know about school events and helping them feel they are still part of the school community.

Part of the individual child’s reintegration approach may include a flexible timetable utilising strategies such as part-time attendance or Alternative Provision.  The Becton Hospital and Outreach Team will provide expertise on the likely success of potential strategies and facilitate schools to explore options as part of the review process.

Progress towards reintegration will be discussed at review meetings. 


There are 3 educational pathways for pupils at Chapel House: Stabilisation, Engagement and Learning. The pupil's health needs will dictate the pathway that they are on. Please see the image below for more information.

Curriculum at Chapel House

For information regarding the curriculum at Chapel House, please click here.

Parental Feedback

It’s weird sending an email to portray how grateful I am. When I was at my lowest point, when X was at his lowest point a woman called Lucy stepped through my door and after years of trauma and fight I finally had someone that understood. You had my back as well as his. Instead of fighting to get a system to fit X you designed a system to fit X. All the pressure was taken off my shoulders and I could parent X in a more trauma informed way, I could say what I felt without judgement and that meant I got the help X needed, X was treated in the way he needed to be treated, and thus have an education that he was always entitled to but was stripped off. You didn’t give him wings, he already has them but you gave him the confidence to fly. His wings were a bit wonky, and we didn’t fix them, we adapted his course because our kids don’t need fixing, they aren’t broken, they just need a course adjustment to soar higher. I genuinely believe you all helped save his life. I write this with tears in my eyes as my baby flies the nest into the next stages of his life. You helped him gain independence when even I struggled to see our future, you are just incredible people and you deliver an incredible pathway for children misunderstood and very often missed in mainstream education. I don’t want him to leave. But, were before we were frightened we are now strong and ready all because of everybody at your wonderful school. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my child a chance when nobody seemed to care. We were lost and we now feel found All my love. We will miss you terribly!

*** was off school from January with depression.  We had an incredibly challenging time getting her diagnosed, the support we needed and on the right medication. The Learning Mentor's role was clearly to help her make the transition back into school which she started on a very part time basis in the autumn.

*** has developed a phobia of crowds and this made it more difficult starting back. The Learning Mentor has a fantastic personality and bonded with *** straightaway. She manages to strike just the right balance between between friendly, supportive but also firm and encouraging.  With the Learning Mentor's help, *** gradually increased her time at school and returned full time in July. Since then she has been absolutely fine and is thriving at school - despite having missed 15 months she's doing really well and is in the top set for Maths and Science.

My husband and I are very clear that without your help we wouldn't be where we are now. The Learning Mentor was there to support her during break times and helped her overcome her phobia of crowds.  She had a major part to play in *** regaining her confidence and her health.

Information for Schools

Please find below a number of useful documents for schools:

Please note, Becton School is not responsible for the charging of the provision. Any enquiries regarding charges (that cannot be answered in the documents above) should be addressed with Sheffield Local Authority directly.