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This page is under construction, but the details regarding subject curricula that are presented here are the most up to date.


Curriculum Aim

Our approach is to enhance pupils’ enjoyment of Maths and to allow them the opportunity to experience success in the subject. The pupils will follow a carefully sequenced curriculum based on the National Curriculum framework which is appropriate to the pupils’ starting point. Our teachers create a supportive environment where pupils are able to build on knowledge and skills already learnt.

Pupils will join our school at various points in the year, so we structure our curriculum and individual lessons to provide the possibility for progression - and to address any gaps they may have in their learning. Our teachers will encourage pupils to be resilient in their learning, by fostering positive relationships, alongside encouraging pupils to realise that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Pupils will be supported to communicate mathematically and to develop skills to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems.

We provide enrichment opportunities for our pupils to enjoy and develop their maths skills outside the maths classroom. We run an annual trip to a racecourse where we use the context of racing and thoroughbred breeding to deliver exciting, hands-on Maths activities in an open-air, healthy environment. We celebrate Maths Week England to encourage pupils to see that maths is accessible for everyone and also offer opportunities for pupils to partake in monthly maths puzzles as well as pi day.

Delivery of the Curriculum

KS4 covers school years 10 and 11. In Year 11, students will undertake external examinations. Students will be entered for an examination/s based on their current working levels. We currently offer Edexcel GCSE Maths, Edexcel GCSE Statistics, Edexcel Award for Number and Measure Level 1 & 2 and Edexcel Functional Skills Entry Level 1–3.

All lessons will involve retrieval of previous learning and teachers will address any gaps in knowledge pupils may have. Due to the nature of our pupils, our teachers may be required to offer bespoke lessons based on the learning needs of the group.

GCSE Classes

Students follow the Edexcel course and will complete the Foundation or Higher course. The scheme of learning builds on what has been taught at KS3 and continues to introduce new GCSE topics to ensure all relevant areas have been taught.

Students who have attended Chapel House in Y10 and are on a GCSE pathway have the option to study GCSE Statistics in Y11. We follow the Edexcel GCSE Statistics course and the pupils will have an additional 2 lessons per week to cover the learning for this course.

Year 10

Term 1


Term 2


Term 3


Year 11

Term 1

Proportional reasoning

Term 2

Sequences and Graphs

Term 3


Working towards Edexcel Award for Number & Measure

Where appropriate, Year 11 students may work towards and sit an Edexcel Award for Number and Measure examination. These take place in January and/or May of the academic year. These qualifications bridge the gap between Entry Level Certificates and the GCSE Maths course. Pupils may also be working towards a GCSE in Maths alongside studying for this award.

Working towards Edexcel Functional Skills

Where appropriate, Year 11 students may work towards and sit the Edexcel Functional Skills Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 examinations. These can take place throughout the academic year and so students can sit the relevant tests once they are ready to do so. Entry Level 3 is aligned to some of the grade 1 content at GCSE Maths and so students will continue to study other areas of maths as well as those that are assessed by these qualifications.

If you require more detailed information about what your child is studying in their maths lessons, please contact Katie Cammack, curriculum lead for maths, at